In this episode, inspired by the crazy events of January 2021, we ask: What is a Shaman? And: Who qualifies? We’ve gathered an INTERNATIONAL panel to discuss (among MANY other things) Indigenous and Nordic perspectives on the word Shaman, and together we unpack the Hows and Whys of its usage. Thanks to our amazing panel of friends and coven mates: Margrét Stefánsdóttir (Denmark), Granddaughter Crow (aka Dr. Joy Gray) (USA), Michelle Beausejour (Canada), and Amanda Amour Lynx (Canada).
PLEASE NOTE: This episode will also function as a FUNDRAISER for Native Women’s Shelters so PLEASE consider making a donation (details in the episode and below) for a chance to win some AMAZING prizes, donated by the Missing Witches Coven At Large.

Amanda Amour-Lynx (she/they) http://www.amour-lynx.art/
Michelle Beausejour https://thebirchtrail.com/
Granddaughter Crow https://www.granddaughtercrow.com/index.html AND BUY GDC’s BOOKS!!
Margrét Stefánsdóttir https://www.instagram.com/amilliskugga/

Yes, we witches are philosophers, and we’re here today to talk about the word Shaman and what that word means and how we use it and what that means. But Witches are also makers and doers, bit by bit world-changers – so today’s episode is also functioning as a fundraiser. Risa and I will be contributing our patreon profits for the month of May to the Native Women’s Shelter of Montreal.
In addition, we’re asking our listeners to make a donation/reparation. We know that most of you are listening from the United States, so, wherever you are, we encourage you to find a local Native Women’s Shelter to support. (some places don’t have First Nations specific orgs so we’ll also accept donations to shelters for vulnerable women and children, sex workers, or victims of violence, but we would appreciate a focus on support of indigenous people.)
We’ve got OVER a thousand dollars worth of prizes donated by our Coven at large, just waiting to be yours. Here’s what you’re gonna do. Make your donation of ten dollars or more. Take a screen shot of your receipt and email it to missingwitches@gmail.com with the subject line DONATION, what country you’re in, plus the amount of your donation. The amount is important because for every $10, you’ll get one entry into the raffle for these prizes. So if you donate $50, you’ll get five entries, and so on. All of these details will be on our website and socials. Please note that the raffle is limited to residents of North America. I’ve put together a list of candian orgs to check out for inspiration (below). The winners will be chosen on the Full Moon, so you have a couple weeks to get your entry in.
This fundraiser is an experiment, so if you think it’s a cool idea, PLEASE help us make it successful by making a small reparation to First Nations women who have been systematically marginalized and disenfranchised both socially and economically. Let’s raise some money and be blown away by what we can do when we work together.
Angela @unearthed.minerals – sterling silver broom necklace. Hand formed broom in sterling silver. Each 2.5 inch piece is crafted in solid sterling silver with the individually placed fine silver bristles on a 24″ chain. We slice, shape, and polish raw materials in our lapidary workshop, and apply traditional metal-smithing techniques to create one of a kind, hand-fabricated jewelry. This broom is body adornment with Magic included!
Loretta, “The Death Witch” – gifts from her range of magical goods – A gift pack of at least one of each type of item from the site. Oil, powder, incense and scrub plus maybe a couple of new goodies she has in the works! TheDeathWitch.black
Monefa Walker, astrologer– 60 minute natal chart reading – MONEFA is offering a 60 minute natal chart reading. You’ve heard Mo on the show a bunch. She’s a gifted human and brilliant astrologer. Amazing opportunity to potentially get her insights and make a respiration at the same time. monefawalker.co.uk/
Melissa (The Salted Moon) – Witch Art Prints – The Salted Moon sells prints made on a monoprint using herbs. I make them mindfully linking colors, magickal symbols, and herbs that correspond for a specific purpose or to call in a specific energy or deity. The prints are intended to be used as you like – either one time use to aid a spell or serve as an altar cloth for a specific purpose, or it can be framed and hung to add a little magick to your home. etsy.com/shop/saltedmoonmagick
Erin Heiser @ekhiser – customized to you birth chart essential oil perfume. Each perfume is a custom blend of essential oils based on your natal chart. A combination of plants ruled by the planets of your sun, moon, and rising signs provide support while plants associated with your north node (a point in space that indicates the direction of your dharma) encourage gentle movement toward personal evolution. Scents are refined by nose and intuition. All natural plant extracts (organic when possible) in fractionated coconut oil. You must know (and share with me!) these placements in your chart OR have an exact time/place of your birth. Retail $70 for 10ml. (Refills for the same quantity/formula $35.) For more information/contact/to submit order: http://www.erinhiser.com/scent
Nick @urbanwizard Circe Academy at the Cauldron Black in Salem – $500 in ritual services, divination, curse-breaking, spell work: money, love, protection – these will be booked through Nick and not through Cauldron Black. Nick is also on patreon @ Hedgecraft Ritual Arts. He is a professional witch and witchcraft educator with over 35 years of experience working with clients and students in both public and private settings. Ordained and initiated in a variety of tantric yoga traditions (Mahayana Buddhism), and a teacher of yoga teachers, witches, and psychics, his classes and workshops are deeply influenced by the intersection of classical yoga theory and modern witchcraft practice. Operating through a multidimensional animist lens with a focus on Greek folklore, Nick’s content welcomes all traditions at all levels and can be approached in a purely secular way.
Granddaughter Crow: hour session with Granddaughter Crow (worth $200). www.granddaughtercrow.com You’ll meet GDC on this panel, so I’ll let her describe what a session might look like!!
Montreal: http://www.nwsm.info/donate Native Women’s Shelter Montreal
Toronto: https://nwrctportal.ca/live/ Native Women’s Resource Centre of Toronto
Calgary: https://www.awotaan.org/about-us/donate-to-awo-taan/ Awo Taan
Vancouver: https://atira.bc.ca/what-we-do/program/sisterspace/ Sister Space
Nova Scotia: http://www.nsnwa.ca/contact-us/ Nova Scotia Native Women’s Association
CANADA WIDE: https://www.nwac.ca/donate/ Native Women’s Association of Canada