A spell whispered into the roots of a Beech tree is said to come true. A curse spoken underneath Beech boughs will be effective, if the tree approves.
PodcastConnecting with the more-than-human world.
A spell whispered into the roots of a Beech tree is said to come true. A curse spoken underneath Beech boughs will be effective, if the tree approves.
PodcastI consider you Witch kin if you can see, or sense, or imagine the web around us, all these invisible fine lines of relationality, the ways we are entwined, entangled with the world.
PodcastAn attempt to learn more about the indigenous Hawai'ian practice of healing-in-community: Ho'oponopono.
Podcast"If we do not have a transcendent ideology of what liberation and sovereignty look like, we're only gonna be a reflection and an imprint of the harm we've been shaped by."