The Missing Witches Prescriptions

Rx. You're Not Alone

As long as we are rooted, we can bloom.

By Risa Dickens, Amy Torok,

May 11, 2024
4 min read
Blue Mountain Tribe | Allison Russell + Brandi Carlile

This week, as the moon begins to return from behind its monthly shadow rest, we're feeling into our creaky, leaky, magical old bodies. Do you struggle to be in your body? To feel it all? Us too, but from within our individual experiences of pain and pleasure we can root into deeper empathy and weave stronger circles of care. So here we go.

Risa brings the rain on the lake, the image of each drop sending out its circle to resonate and concatenate with all the others. She's calling up the reminder of all the beings who exist within us and threaded through us, and the prescription comes from our coven mate Reed: a song that calls out to each of us, remember: You're Not Alone.

In the cradle of the circle
All the ones that came before you
Well, their strength is yours now
You're not alone

Inspired by the plum trees she planted years ago finally flowering for the first time, and in honour of our annual Reparations season, Amy comes with Sacred Flowers by the Blue Mountain Tribe and an invitation to think about flowers, their holiness, and their haunting. The video for the song Sacred Flowers is a collage of stories about missing and murdered Indigenous women, dedications to specific stolen sisters. And while you're listening to it, while you're making your donation of $10 or more to your local Indigenous support org, we invite you this Spring to think about flowers.

As long as we are rooted, we can bloom. As long as we are rooted — rooted in community, rooted in ethics, rooted in a sense of right and wrong, rooted in a love for the flowers, the land, the universe — then we have the opportunity to bloom.

With hope and care, first come the flowers, then come the fruits.

Flowers need rain and sun. So, tend to yourself as if you were a flower and be amazed by the beauty of the world. And check out Blue Mountain Tribe and join our Reparations Fundraiser. And remember, you are not alone.

Amy's plum blossoms

Coven Invites for May 13-19, 2024

WEAVERS: Co-Working Cauldron

Monday, May 13, 12:00 – 1:00 PM EDT

Hosted by Amy + Risa: "Weavers, jump in and see what's bubbling! Bring a concrete question to this ridiculously badass collective, or a desire just to simmer together, all is welcome at the Cauldron."

INTERVIEW: Indigenous Futures: Asha Frost, Christopher Marmolejo, Granddaughter Crow

Monday, 1:00 – 2:00 PM EDT

Hosted by Amy + Risa: "Gathering with magical friends for conversations about Indigenous Futures."

How to Host a Writing Circle

Monday, 6:30 – 7:30 PM EDT

Hosted by Em: "This will mostly be the tips and tricks I've learned for hosting these workshop spaces, but this format can easily be applied to any kind of sharing and discussion group! Trust yourself and your fellow witches and try heading a circle. 😃"

Folktales for Resistance and Re-enchantment #2

Tuesday, 8:00 – 9:00 PM EDT

Hosted by Deb + Risa: "During the course we'll freewrite and share in response to stories of impossible tasks and radical overcoming. Join us for an hour to nourish our imaginary worlds and creative minds and to collectively seed and resource our ability to survive these times."

Write & Share Group

Wednesday, 8:00 – 10:00 PM EDT

Hosted by Deb: " bring something you are working on to share and get only the feedback you ask for; problem-solving, critique, encouragement, whatever you need."

Grief Circle

Thursday, 8:00 – 9:00 PM EDT

Hosted by Terra: "We will gather virtually to create a safe and nurturing container for sharing our grief experiences. Through ritual, meditation, and communal support, we will explore the depths of our emotions, honor the memories of loved ones, and embrace the transformative power of our collective healing journey."

Conversations with Covenmates: Writing Grants (Word Money Magic) with Liz + Jess!

Sunday, 12:00 – 1:00 PM EDT

Hosted by Risa: "Covenmates Liz and Jess join Risa to answer questions and think out loud together about their professional experience applying for (and getting!) grants - both in Canada and the US. Let's talk about the weird energy that is asking for money!"

Astro Chat: Gemini Season

Sunday, 3:00 – 4:00 PM EDT

Hosted by Killian: "The Sun moves into Gemini on the 20th so lets get together and talk Gemini. Any and all astrological thoughts and questions and struggles are always welcome. Astrology is complex, so lets talk about it all."

Note: You must be a supporting member of the Missing Witches Coven to participate in our events and courses. All our courses and events are free for members. We'd love for you to join us!

PS - If you are already a coven member but can't figure out how to access the Coven Circle or our events, we want to help you!! Please reply to this email and let us know where you get stuck. Risa or Amy will get back to you in ~1 business day and we'll do whatever it takes to get you in so we can make magic together. ❤️

Can you think of someone who might like.. all this? (She said, gesticulating wildly.) Forward them this email with all our love! Introduce your witchy friends to each other and let's give each other hope + community.

Blessed Fucking BE!

Risa + Amy

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