The Missing Witches Prescriptions

Rx. There's Writing On The Walls, But They Can't Read It

Working together, we can make a change.

By Risa Dickens, Amy Torok,

May 25, 2024
4 min read
Thelma Plum, Tina Turner, NWSM

This week, we're waiting, dripping, and melting into lake-mind... and getting cute bangs anyway because we're alive, and it's another May beneath the Flower Moon.

It's the LAST WEEK of our annual Reparations Fundraiser! Risa's prescription this week is a song called Love and War by Thelma Plum: gentle, moving, croony pop with the rooted resilience of an ancestral storyline behind it from the longest continuous human culture on Earth. Thelma Plum is Gamilaraay; an award-winning singer-songwriter; and daughter of lore-man Paul Winanga-li Gii Spearim.

The line from Thelma Plum that spoke up like a mantra this week is:

There's writing on the walls, but they can't read it
There's writing on the walls, but they can't read it
Hold up your chin.

Lichen are writing stories on the rocks around us, there's a story being told by the trees, the water, the rain, and by our own ruffled movements. Not everything is being told by the largely white men who dominate the news cycle.

A great deal is happening on many, many, many interconnected layers of systems. And we might only hear these loud, angry war stories. But there are love stories too all around us, all over the walls.

So hold up your chin, it's there even if they can't read it. Hold up your chin. We're gonna move through this part together.

This week also marks the anniversary of Tina Turner's death, and she was and is such a force. (Here is the Rx. from the week she died ❤️‍🩹.) To honour her life and her passing, Amy prescribes the "so poignant, and so funky" Working Together:

Unless we get together, the world would never survive
And the hopes of the world will surely, surely die
People like you and me to speak up for what is right
Only then will the world see the light
Working together, we can make a change
Working together, we can help better things
So let us put our hate aside and let us let love be our guide
I say let's try little love for a change

Let's try a little love! Listen while you read through the list of orgs our coven has made Reparations Donations to so far! (at the bottom of this page! They are SO INCREDIBLE.)

Listen while you scrounge up your $10 and make your own reparation donation to the org of your choice! Feel the ritual sacrifice and the song lift the weight of your burdens: we are working together!!

If you don't have the $ this month to donate, please listen to the song and imagine us all, with all our different abilities, wrapping you in love and easing the path in front of you.

Imagine us covering the path ahead of you in petals even, why not?

It's the Flower Moon, let's BLOOM.

Coven Invites

WEAVERS: Co-Working Cauldron

Monday, May 27, 12:00 – 1:00 PM EDT

Hosted by Amy + Risa: "Weavers, jump in and see what's bubbling! Bring a concrete question to this ridiculously badass collective, or a desire just to simmer together, all is welcome at the Cauldron."

First Sundays Tarot Reading Practice

Sunday, Sunday, Jun 2, 12:00 – 1:00 PM EDT

Hosted by Heather: "Let's play. This is a card reading practice. Bring a tarot or oracle deck that you want to use for practice and bring questions. 

Weavers: Business Mastermind Group Support

Tuesday, Jun 4, 6:30 PM EDT

Hosted by Holly: "Let's work our collective magic as we build our businesses together! In these mastermind sessions, we'll take turns bouncing ideas off of each other, getting group feedback on things we're working on, and offering our shared support + spells to help create our dream businesses."

Weavers on the Rx: Be Our Guest!

Wednesday, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM EDT

Hosted by Amy + Risa: "Help us share personal prescriptions with our podcast coven for resisting and re-enchanting the world!!"

New Moon in Gemini Coven Meeting - The Garden

Thursday, 8:00 – 9:30 PM EDT

Hosted by Amy + Risa: "The Gemini New Moon's chapter in New Moon Magic: 13 Anti-Capitalist Tools for Resistance and Re-Enchantment is dedicated to The Garden.  What have soil and roots and stems and seeds and petals taught you about yourself and/or your Witchcraft?"

Note: You must be a supporting member of the Missing Witches Coven to participate in our events and courses. All our courses and events are free for members. We'd love for you to join us!

PS - If you are already a coven member but can't figure out how to access the Coven Circle or our events, we want to help you!! Please reply to this email and let us know where you get stuck and Risa or Amy will get back to you in ~1 business day and we'll do whatever it takes to get you in so we can make magic together. ❤️

Can you think of someone who might like.. all this? (She said, gesticulating wildly.) Forward them this email with all our love! Introduce your witchy friends to each other and let's give each other hope + community.

Blessed Fucking BE!

Risa + Amy

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