The Missing Witches Prescriptions

RX. Take Care Of Your Health And Get Plenty Of Rest

Cancer season is astrologically almost upon us, but we're talking about the other kind.

By Amy Torok, Risa Dickens,

Jun 15, 2024
2 min read
The Byrds - Sweetheart of the Rodeo, and Tig Notaro

This week's prescription comes with a trigger warning: it's Cancer.

And while astrologically Cancer season is almost upon us, we're talking about the other kind. Risa has been diagnosed with Stage 3 Breast Cancer and the idea of 'prescription' has taken on a whole new meaning.

We believe in science, and we believe in magic. We believe that Risa will be okay.

A year ago, we prescribed the legendary Tig Notaro set where she processes a series of brutal blows - a cancer diagnosis, c.difficile, the death of her mother - while she is right in the middle of it all. There's no ironic distance, no time to put the tragedies in focus, she is IN it. And friend, so are we. All the time. The present is a wall of fire around us. Tig manages to witness it and laugh at its absurdities while right in the fucking mess of it, and it's a spell for remembering that we do have that power: to be radiantly alive, observers and co-creators of our worlds, and to laugh AT and WITH all this as a practice of survival.

We're both revisiting Tig's brave, bold comedy to remind us and You: Laughter amid tears is a magic that we rely on to get us through.

Amy also brings The Byrds, Nothing Was Delivered, with its chorus of:

Take care of your health and get plenty of rest.

This prescription goes for all of us, and double for Risa: take care of your health and get plenty of rest. And while we're doing our best, there may be things that slip through cracks of exhaustion and preoccupation. This is a Love Coven, so we know you'll all be understanding and patient as we navigate these choppy waters.

All the women in me are tired - Nayyirah Waheed

Take care of your health and get plenty of rest. We love you.

The Missing Witches MERCH SHOP is now open to supporting members of the MW Coven!

Coven Invites

Weavers Business Mastermind Group Support - June 18th, 6:30 pm EST

LITHA Circle: Ancestors in Bloom! Introducing the Missing Witches Deck of Oracles - June 18th, 8pm EST

Coven Co-writing - June 19th, 8pm EST

Disability Justice and Witchcraft: Possibilities for solidarity - June 21st, 6pm EST

Astro Chat: Cancer Season - June 23rd, 3pm EST

Note: You must be a supporting member of the Missing Witches Coven to participate in our events and courses. All our courses and events are free for members. We'd love for you to join us!

Latest from the MW Zine:

Witches Can’t Do Status Quo by Jasmine Stoffer

Grapes, Wine, and Ground by Deb Apple

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