The Missing Witches Prescriptions

Rx. Beloved Diva Energy

We're slowly unfurling our weird new wing-selves now.

Risa Dickens
Sep 14, 2024
3 min read
Still from Divas Live

Beloved coven, we've missed you. We took our annual August break with new weights on us this year, we've been deep in the composting and dissolving stage of transformation and we're only slowly unfurling our weird new wing-selves now.

The Rx. this week is just this sweet lil epistle, no podcast episode, your eyes only. We have lots coming up next week that we'd like to invite you to - come be in circle and learn and swirl powers with us!!! - and starting on Mabon, the autumn equinox, holy day of balance and of tipping into dark, we will officially launch our Fall 2024 podcast season. The episodes we're working on are weird and special and full of magic, and alive with radical Witch ancestors. We were cut open and walked the poison path and rebuilt the very land we stand on while we made these episodes, which brings us to the listening part of this missing witch prescription...

It's the VH1 Divas Live 1999 w/ Tina Turner, Whitney Houston, Cher, Chaka Khan, Elton John, and comes via our beloved coven mate Jen.

In our Coven Circle, Risa shared that during the deep, disorienting wells of her chemotherapy, she'd discovered that what her brain loved best was concert footage. Narratives couldn't hold together, interviews or documentaries all unspooled, and comedies hurt, but well-shot concert footage was like being carried gently through time. And no one carries us through time into glorious futures quite like a soaring raft of 90s Divas.

So that's the prescription, let their fierce strength and joy and leather and sparkles and their huge levitating voices, their lovingly tended breath and bodies, their joy and vulnerability and friendship and dance moves, let it all help hold your hope.

Coven Invites

Interview with Jarod K Anderson aka The Cryptonaturalist

Monday, Sep 16, 10:00 – 11:00 AM EDT

Poet, philosopher, and friend of the podcast Jarod K. Anderson returns to share kindness from his new book, Something in the Woods Loves You. Listen to our first conversation here

Loving Terra

Monday, Sep 16, 8:00 PM - 09:00 PM EDT

Let's gather together to remember and celebrate our dear sister Terra.

Weavers Full Moon Loom - Laughter

Tuesday, 8:00 – 9:30 PM EDT

The Full Moon is for RELEASING!  And I think we could all use a good laugh.  It is, after all, the best medicine.  

Body Magic w Melissa Gutierrez

Wednesday, Sep 18, 11:00 AM - 11:45 AM EDT

Let's get embodied!!  Join us for a chat with Melissa Gutierrez AKA The Body Witch, a science-minded witch who creates magic through movement, and co-author of the book Exposing Yoga Myths!!

Sex and Pleasure Magick: A Healing Space

Thursday, Sep 19, 07:00 PM - 08:30 PM EDT

This bi-weekly meeting - hosted by witch and sex therapist April MW - is a space for us to share our most pleasurable experiences and our personal struggles. 

The Missing Witches Shop is now open to the public. Every purchase you make helps fund the podcast and keep the Missing Witches community and podcast alive, thank you for checking it out!!

🌈🌈🌈 🌈🌈🌈

AND The Missing Witches Deck of Oracles is available in our bookshop or wherever you get your books and decks.

Note: You must be a supporting member of the Missing Witches Coven to participate in our events and courses. All our courses and events are free for members. We'd love for you to join us!

Love you! BFB!!

Amy + Risa, aka Missing Witches

PS. How are you marking the equinox this year? Reply to this email to let us know, we miss you and would love to hear from you oxox

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