Image description: A mantra: "Now, I inspire myself”. A spell or sigil of sorts, with the words encircling a representation of Earth, sharing the circle with a sprig of leaves representing the growth and resilience which our world, our plant realm, exhibit at all times of the year. It’s my vision of “Now, I get to work," spurring myself on to help in fashioning a better world.

Tess, an art and hearth witch, calligrapher and watercolourist, shares her sacred-space home with her college-grad daughter, two loving female cats, a house faerie and various ancestor spirits. Her most sacred space within her home is her studio that serves also as a work-from-home office. Still employed full-time with a technology company, she’s a retired CPA with a degree in English, as well. (Right/left brain tug of war…) She's a progressive Episcopalian on a witchcraft journey, alongside her daughter. She also journals quite a lot and speaks with spirits on a regular basis (including her mother, who lets herself be known by turning on and dimming lights and messing with the tea towels, as reminders not to be too perfectionist about the tidiness of the hearth!).