The Missing Witches Prescriptions

Distortion Magic And How We Break Free

Spells of Control, Spells of Liberation

By Risa Dickens, Amy Torok,

Nov 4, 2023
2 min read
Amy's Halloween costume this year.

We're haunted right now by the sense that we are being manipulated by unjust, over-hierarchized systems. We want to uphold a craft that cuts through tangles of distortion and control. We seek a craft that empowers while it re-enchants.

This week on the podcast:

Risa wrote about Empress Chen of Wu + Chen Jinggu and the idea of a Community of Sworn Sisters and quoted Dr. Mayfair Yang who suggests that "the repetition of ritual actions in the longue durée, seem to have more promise for making a real difference than sudden totalizing transformations like revolutions..."

Risa and Amy spoke with educator, facilitator, community weaver, writer, caregiver, death doula, and community herbalist Mara June AKA "Motherwort and Rose" who told us "If we're going to try to birth other worlds, Collective Grief has a powerful role to play."

And Risa spoke with author, lawyer, scholar, and fortune-teller Benebell Wen about her new game-changing tome, "I Ching, the Oracle: A Practical Guide to the Book of Changes" and the ways our ideas, words, and discourse can shutter our windows or open up our hearts. 

All our podcast episodes and transcripts/essays are available for free via

The events and updates below reflect how we are trying to incorporate these ideas into our own lives and community. As always, we'd love for you to join us.

Coven Invite: New Moon Circle

We are approaching American Thanksgiving, so yes, let’s be rooted in gratitude but also Thanksgiving makes me think about how culture can work like spells in daily life, adding layers to distort awkward, painful truths like so much gravy. Let's come together to help each other identify the distortions that might surround us.

On the flip side, what are your spells for protecting yourself from high-control systems? What are the tactics, the social spells, the interpersonal spells that we can put at the heart of our Missing Witches Coven so that we de-hierarchize our systems and empower each other towards more liberation? That’s the question on the table for the circle. Love you soon!

PS. New Moon Circles are open to all paying members of the coven. Find out more.

Coven News

All coven members can now post courses and events.

If you want to host a coven gathering, now you can! If you want to teach something or make a container for us to learn together, please do!

Videos from past courses are up on Coven Course Archives.

We've added the Nuts and Bolts classes Amy + Risa taught a while back, pulling back the curtain on how we built our social platforms, how we launched our podcast, and how we wrote and published our books.

Coven Offerings

Beloved Missing Witches coven mate Zoe Flowers has launched a 6 month deep dive into all things magickal. Some of the topics she'll delve into over the next 6 months are:

Foundational knowledge (ie historical significance terms like Wytch etc.) Rituals for protecting your energy. Different forms of divination (tarot, charms etc. Understanding of Magick as a response to capitalism and the myth of white supremacy.

And so much more. 🔥

Enormous Thanks

Being able to write these weird Witch stories, to meet and get to amplify the loving wisdom of these practitioners, and to be held in community with all of you loving, caring, powerful people is the wildest gift and gentlest balm. We love you so much.



PS. If something you see or listen to makes you think of someone you know who might like what we do, please send us along to them? Huge thanks for helping us find our people. ❤️❤️❤️

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