
Ferments for Transformation

Transformation is imagination.

Feb 28, 2025
4 min read
Rituals and Spells
Photo by Anshu A

For years, I've taught folks about the transformative magic of fermentation: It's a thread that weaves through all my classes and my writing.

The transformative power of microbes is at work in much of the food we eat and all around us in the world: Breaking down fallen wood into nourishing soil, keeping our bodies healthy, and of course, fermenting food.

The beneficial microbes that ferment our food digest raw ingredients and, as they do, they leave behind something new: Different flavors and textures, more bioavailable nutrients, and the joy of watching our food transform.

Fermentation is a powerful partner in transformation in your own life, too.  

During Hurricane Helene, I filmed a version of my Ferments for Grief class to help folks process grief, either in their own lives or eco-grief in general, by using the practice of creating by hand and witnessing transformation as a way to support their own healing. However, this is just one small part of fermentation's magic. 

Fermentation is a very powerful ally for transforming and processing our grief BUT it is also a powerful ally for transformation into joy, pleasure, and grounding and calm.

Transformation is imagination

When we use transformation as the basis of our magical workings, we are not only seeing things as they are, we are imagining a specific future and bringing it to life in the 3D world around us. 

That means that when you are transforming with fermentation, that you have a place in mind that you want to end up: I think of this as running towards the thing you want, rather than running away from something else (a critical, and important part of magical workings in scary times).

Rather than just thinking about what we're pouring into the ferment at the start of the process, it's just as important to clearly envision what it is our ingredients (our emotions and life circumstances, as well as our cabbage and salt) are transforming into. 

The process below can work for any transformation you wish: My current favorite is not so much about transforming negative emotions into positive ones, but transforming my current state of being into one that's even more joyful, playful, expansive, and interconnected with community. 

Fermentation for transformative magic:

  • Make your fermented food (any kind will do, though I usually do this with sauerkraut because it involves kneading the cabbage by hand) and as you prepare it (by kneading the sauerkraut, mixing the brine, or filling the jar), imagine pouring in everything you want to transform, visualizing it filling the jar along with your ferment. AND, set a clear intention for what transformation you're bringing about.

For my sauerkraut recipe, check out this post. 

  • Allow to sit at room temperature out of direct sunlight, and tend to your ferment each day, checking it to see how it smells and tastes and looks, and if it needs anything from you (more brine, etc.) And as you do, imagine your own transformation, calling your intention to mind, imagining it coming closer and closer to becoming reality each day. Becoming more and more real as your food continues to ferment.

This is an especially powerful practice if, in addition to the visualization and magical practice of working with your ferment, you commit to one daily act in service of the transformation you're trying to create: Time spent journaling, a self-care activity, a community care activity, time spent on a creative endeavor, etc. 

  • When your ferment is ready, store in the fridge or enjoy (or let it continue fermenting on the counter). This is a good moment to reflect on your transformation and the journaling/reflection prompts below. And, thank your microbial buddies for all they've done to support you in your transformation and in nourishing yourself!

Commit to one daily act in service of the transformation.

Reflection practices to anchor your transformation

I find it helpful to clearly state my intentions before I make my ferment, to reflect on how I feel before and after making it, and visualize the transformation in my mind every time I interact with the ferment in the following days. 

If you can tap into the feeling of excitement and anticipation each day as you check your ferment, the more easily and powerfully this magic works.

I reflect at the beginning of, during, and at the end of the process: 

  • At the beginning, get clear about what you're transforming and who this transformation is serving (you, the natural world, your fellow Queer folks, etc.) A clear, direct statement is most powerful here (like: I am transforming my eco-grief into a sense of grounding and a plan for clear, directed action I can take to protect my local parks).
  • I also decide on steps I can take in the world each day to bring my transformation to life, and during the process I commit to taking these small daily actions so I can transform as my ferment does. Maybe 5 minutes spent planning my next business venture, or writing a community newsletter, along with the visualization practice I do each day with my ferment.
  • Once my ferment is complete, I ask: How do I feel in this moment? How have things shifted in my life, emotional landscape, or elsewhere since I began this transformation journey?

This is a simple and powerful practice that I turn to frequently in my own life, and I hope will serve you in yours, too. You can do this practice alone, or together in community with others as a shared ritual where you pour your collective feelings and intentions about a specific subject into the ferments you prepare together, and collectively imagine their transformation (I send everyone home with a jar, so we can all continue this work on our own after the gathering ends).

Dr. Julia Skinner is a food writer, culinary educator, writing coach. Her book, Our Fermented Lives, is out now!

Writing: juliacskinner.com / @bookishjulia / rootkitchens.substack.com
The Culinary Curiosity School: @culinary.curiosity.school / culinarycuriosityschool.com
Writing coaching + support for creativesrootsandbranches.squarespace.com / @yourrootsandbranches / yourrootsandbranches.substack.com

Food and history-focused research and consulting:  root-kitchens.com / @rootkitchens / rootkitchens.substack.com

Listen to Dr. Julia Skinner on Missing Witches:

EP 83 + EP 147!

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