“I know that the story of the Burning Times lives on in my bones.”
We are honoured and thrilled to be sitting in Circle with a magical force of nature, author and co-founder of BIONEERS (please check out Bioneers if you haven’t already! Join their mailing list!) – Nina Simons (join her mailing list too!!!). We could have chatted with Nina all day, but in our hour we managed to cover Ritual, Relationships, Responsibility and more. Nina said, “My primary allegiance is to the natural world.” And “The Earth needs us all to be leaders now.”
Guiding us to our own call to leadership, Nina reminds, “We all get information differently. Some of us get it in dreams, some of us it comes through intuition, and some of us it comes through our bodies.” Suggesting that listening is key, she asks, “how do we get quiet enough inside and get to know ourselves well enough to know how we receive information?”
Like many of us, Nina was changed and charged after viewing the (Canadian made) witchhunt documentary The Burning Times (watch for free here). “I know that the story of the Burning Times lives on in my bones.”
Buy Nina’s Book today!!

In Nature, Culture, and the Sacred: A Woman Listens for Leadership, Nina Simons offers practical guidance and inspiration for anyone who aspires to grow into their own unique form of leadership on behalf of positive change.
Weaving her own insights together with reflections from cutting-edge leaders such as Terry Tempest Williams, Jeannette Armstrong, Alixa Garcia, and V (formerly Eve Ensler), Simons illustrates in myriad ways the interconnected nature of the issues we face, shares moving stories of women around the world joining together to create change, and weaves in teachings from indigenous cultures. This revised second edition of Nature, Culture, and the Sacred includes dynamic discussion guides for each chapter offer prompts for engaging with implicit gender biases, anti-racism, and intersectionality, along with interactive practices for individuals and groups to deepen understanding and learning. In this essential handbook for navigating these perilous times with clarity and joy, Nina invites us to remember and reclaim our sacred relationship to the Earth by rebalancing ourselves and our societies.
Watch the book trailer here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4w-E6uy0Zk
Check out Missing Witches scripted episodes about Nina’s Squad: