The Missing Witches Prescriptions

Rx. Don't You Treat Me Like I Was Born For Nothin'

What kind of Groundhog are you?

By Risa Dickens, Amy Torok,

Feb 3, 2024
4 min read

It's Imbolc weekend and we mark the inbetween, the blurred edges between dark and light. Not the Spring but the reminder that the Spring will come, eventually.

This week maybe you need to just lie in the dark, no music, no sounds but the rushing of your own mind, the building breathing, the ground underneath and the roots whispering. This week, maybe be a seed.

Amy asks: What kind of Groundhog are you this year?

Did you see your shadow and retreat back underground for six more weeks? Or, like Quebec's (new) Fred la Marmotte, are you ready to Spring into action?

If you're like Fred, this week's prescription is Revolution Get Down by The Bellrays. Get fired up for a total rebirth as singer Lisa Kekaula testifies:

Don't you treat me like I was born for nothin'.

If you're sticking under the snow, under the blankets, the prescription is to stay soothed and warm by the kiln fires of The Great (British) Pottery Throwdown, where well-intentioned kindness sculpts creative arts. A Canadian version is starting Feb 8th, to ease you softly through your next six weeks of Winter.

We invite you to ask yourself, without judgment or expectation, "What kind of Groundhog am I this year?"

Coven Events

Weavers Only: Co-Working Cauldron

Monday, Feb 5, 12:00 - 01:00 PM EST

Weavers is the almost-highest tier of the MW Coven, and Weavers Cauldrons are like the prep kitchen for folks who are stirring up some heavy magic. We make a container to work on whatever project is calling to our most magical selves, we bounce ideas off each other, sometimes Amy DJ's live, it's pretty great.

Coven Organized: Blood Magic Share

Monday, Feb 5, 08:00 PM - 09:30 PM EST

Join Deborah to talk about the science and magic of blood in our lives and in different magical / folk practices.

Coven Organized: Coven Co-Writing Session

Wednesday, Feb 7, 07:00 PM - 08:30 PM EST

Join Aurelia to gather, and introduce ourselves and what we're working on, then write together for an hour or so. After that, catch up and talk about how it went!

New Moon in Aquarius: The Word

Thursday, Feb 8, 08:00 PM - 10:00 PM EST

Before this circle, we invite you to engage with this writing prompt:

What does the re-enchantment look like? What does liberation feel like? How will you recognize it? What will be unexpected about it? How did it get here and what did it change? What is it like to wake up and go to work in a re-enchanted, liberated world?

We are looking for speculative fiction or science fiction or poetry or channeled works or diatribes or jokes or conjurings.

This is the New Moon we dedicated to the radical anti-capitalist magic of The Word in our book, New Moon Magic: 13 Anti-Capitalist Tools for Resistance and Re-Enchantment, and for this circle, we'll invite you to wield your mighty pen to help imagine liberation. 

You must be a supporting member of the Missing Witches Coven to attend (or host!) coven events and courses. We'd love for you to join us!

Collective Action Corner

A Spell to Bind Donald Trump and All Those Who Abet Him: Mass Ritual

If you were at our live Witch Hunt film premiere this week, or if you were an activist Witch in the US in 2017, you may have heard about the mass ritual to bind Trump. (Check out our Witch Hunt episode when it goes live on the podcast later this month to hear from the creators!)

We invite you to draw on your resistance magic this week and add your thoughts and prayers, hexes and activism, to the rising tide of those who refuse to consent to a version of the world that weaponized otherness for the sake of greed.

Bind him so that he shall not break our polity
Usurp our liberty
Or fill our minds with hate, confusion, fear, or despair

Pagans in Need is a Michigan-based network of food pantries operating in Lansing, Kalamazoo, Traverse City, and Metro Detroit. Their hope and vision is to provide free food, household goods, and clothing to folks in our communities, regardless of religion or level of need. They do this with a little bit of funding from the Aquarian Tabernacle Church, a little bit of funding from Patreon, donated food and goods, and 100% volunteer labor.

If you know folks in any of these areas in Michigan who could benefit from the free food pantry, PIN invites you to spread the word! Each chapter has a Facebook group for organizing purposes.

They are also seeking additional monetary support via Patreon, with tiers starting at $1/month. This funding goes toward our rent payments at two pantry spaces and will support them as they seek to open a third in Metro Detroit (that pantry is currently run out of a volunteer’s basement!).

Reminder: Calling your congressperson is an effective way to influence policy. Check out

Can you think of someone who might like.. all this? (She said, gesticulating wildly.) Forward them this email with all our love!

Blessed Fucking BE!

Risa + Amy

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