Coven Invites

Coven Invite: New Moon In Leo - MUSIC

How do you use music to make magic?

Amy Torok
Jul 25, 2024
1 min read
Photo by Adrian Korte / Unsplash

The New Moon in Leo begs us to take centre-stage and let out a roar! So let’s talk about Music - a most sacred magic that humans have used to pump vibes into every aspect of our lives since prehistoric times.

Note: sound waves from the Big Bang are partly/mostly responsible for organizing our Universe (I wish I had known this before writing the Music chapter in New Moon Magic hahaha). Music lives deep, deep within us.

Bring your favourite song, band, musician and tell us how they inspired you, or the story of a moment when music changed your world. How do you use music to make magic?

NOTE: Amy and Risa are taking a much needed break, so this meeting will be hosted by our beloved Coven-mates Holly, Jasmin and Deb. Thanks so much, babes!!!

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