Risa Dickens

EP 157 WF Annie Johnston of the Monica Sjöö Estate – The Personal Is Political, The Spiritual Is Political

Today on the podcast we get to dig deeper into the life and work of Monica Sjöö thanks to her daughter-in-love Annie Johnston. Annie is a Women’s Rights activist who has dedicated years of her life to cataloging and preserving the vast amount of letters, photojournals, and artwork in Monica&#8

EP 154 WF Debra Silverman – What does a good Witch do, but dance with everyone that she meets?

Debra Silverman works at the intersection of psychology and astrology. Talking with her was like being danced along in light through insights into the human condition, her childhood, and my own psyche. It was an emotional, joyful whirlwind of feeling seen and celebrated, and I hope you’ll feel

EP 142 – You Are Vixen Kin

New meditation episode for you, you cunning, magic, wily vixen you. For the femme in you that bites, we offer anti-capitalist motivational audio. Use it to gather your loves and to channel your resistance. You little vixen you Wily as… Cunning as. Hunted, trapped, biting back Sexy, wicked, smart, ma

EP 137 – WF Edgar Fabián Frías: I’m Hopeful For the Magical World We Are All Weaving…We Are Transforming Hierarchies

Edgar Fabián Frías returns to the podcast to fill Amy + Risa with hope about the ways art, magic, play, and even confusion can open up portals for us to hear our ancestors’ voices and shift the world. “Edgar Fabián Frías works in installation, photography, video art, sound, sculpture, pr

You Are Bee Kin Meditation

I want to talk about bees. They have been working all winter long, walking in formation, eating their stores and shivering to keep the center warm where the women sit who will bring their whole community back to life when its time. It’s almost time.  But first I want to entreat you to listen to

EP 134 WF – In The Grey Together: Step Into A New Moon Circle With The Missing Witches Coven

Today we invite you into our monthly New Moon coven meeting. Our special guest Yvonne Aburrow — author of “All Acts of Love and Pleasure: Inclusive Wicca” and other brilliant books — opens and closes our circle, and we dig into questions of spiritual transition and making safe spaces for


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